Understanding vulnerability in Alaska fishing communities: A validation methodology for rapid assessment of indices related to well-being

From introduction: Historically, fishery managers placed little emphasis on studying social phenomena, opting for greater focus on biophysical and ecological disciplines. This has changed with improved understanding of the pivotal role of humans in fisheries and development of the concept of fisheries social-ecological systems (Ban et al.,\r\n2013; Clay and McGoodwin, 1995; Colburn et al., 2006; Himes-Cornell and Hoelting, 2015; Jentoft, 2006). This recognition of fisheries as complex social-ecological systems has led to efforts to understand social vulnerability of place-based fishing communities. Through enhanced understanding of conditions contributing to vulnerability, fisheries managers can better project how communities may react to perturbations resulting from policy decisions....

application/pdf Himes-Cornell et al. - 2016 - Understanding vulnerability in Alaska fishing communities; A validation methodology for rapid assessment of indices related to well-being.pdf — 533 KB