When ecosystems and their services are not co-located: oceans and coasts
Local, regional, and global policies to manage protect and restore our oceans and coasts call for the inclusion of ecosystem services (ES) in policy-relevant ...
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"The ecosystem services partnership visualisation tool" in Mapping Ecosystem Services
The Ecosystem Services Partnership Visualisation Tool (ESP-VT) is an online platform available through esp-mapping.net that systematically organises ES maps ...
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'Mapping marine and coastal ecosystem services' in 'Mapping Ecosystem Services'
To map Ecosystem Services (ES) provided by marine and coastal ecosystems similarly to the terrestrial ecosystems, one has to understand the process of ES ...
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'Applying ecosystem service mapping in marine areas' in 'Mapping Ecosystem Services'
Marine and coastal ES (MCES) mapping is still in its infancy (see Chapter 5.7.4) although several mapping studies have recently been undertaken. In most cases, ...
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Marine Ecosystem Services in Europe
Covering 71 % of the globe, the World Ocean is a complex ecosystem that provides essential services for the maintenance of life on Earth. More than 25 % of the ...
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Coral Reefs and People in a High-CO2 World: Where Can Science Make a Difference to People?
Reefs and People at Risk Increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere put shallow, warm-water coral reef ecosystems, and the people who depend upon ...
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Ecosystem Services Journal - Editorial: Best practices for mapping ecosystem services
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Mangrove Ecosystem Service Values and Methodological Approaches to Valuation: Where Do We Stand?
Mangroves, seagrass meadows, and salt marshes, collectively termed “Blue Forests”, are counted among the most valuable and productive coastal ecosystems on the ...
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A triage approach to improve the relevance of marine ecosystem services assessments
Ecosystem services assessments are increasingly being used to inform marine policy and planning. These assessments involve significant time, effort, and ...
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Lessons learned from an ecosystem-based management approach to restoration of a California estuary
Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is the dominant paradigm, at least in theory, for coastal resource management. However, there are still relatively few case ...
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